TeamSpeak Systems hat vor ein paar Tagen eine neue Version ihres TeamSpeak 3 Clients und heute eine neue Version ihres TeamSpeak 3 Servers veröffentlicht.
Der Client ist
beta-36 und es gibt wieder zwei Fehlerkorrekturen die sie ausdrücklich erwähnen:
Fix 1
ein Fehler der die Sprachaktivierung gestört hat wenn man manuell irgendwelche Push-To-Talk Knöpfe belegt hatte
Fix 2
ein Fehler der mit beta35 eingeführt wurde: Der Push-To-Talk Knopf im Einrichtungsassistent wurde falsch hinzugefügt
Der Auto-Updater des TS3 Clients wird den Client automatisch aktualisieren bzw. es bereits getan haben in vielen Fällen. Falls nicht, kann der TS3 Client natürlich
manuell runterladen und über eine bereits existierende TS3 Client Installation drüber installiert werden.
Der Server ist eine neue Build des
beta-30 PRERELEASE´s mit der zum Beispiel Hosting Firmen und Seiten wie diese sich auf die kommenden Änderungen vorbereiten (Script Kompatibilität, etc.) können. D.h. die aktuelle stabile Server Version ist weiterhin beta-29.
Server beta-30 PRERELEASE
Nur Änderungen seit letztem beta30-PRERELEASE.
=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta30-pre ?? Oct 2010
! instance_properties respect now machine_id
+ new channel/server group get new default permissions
i_group_needed_member_add_power based on i_group_member_add_power
i_group_needed_member_remove_power based on i_group_member_remove_power
+ added permission i_group_sort_id commands notify notifyservergrouplist / notifychannelgrouplist output "sortid" field
+ added permission i_group_show_name_in_tree commands notify notifyservergrouplist / notifychannelgrouplist output "namemode" field
+ added new PluginTargetMode PluginCommandTarget_CURRENT_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBED_CLIENTS
+ servergroupclientlist uses now internal id/uid/name cache which results in faster processing and lower database usage
- fixed channel client permissions where not removed on channel delete
- fixed possibility to host more slots than allowed
- fixed bug where a clone leaving server removed temp groups of still connected clones
- fixed client which where added to query groups wont be correctly removed on serverdelete/clientdelete
- fixed serverprocessstop works again under windows
- fixed client channel/server groups got not updated while changing default groups
Client beta36
=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta36 08 Nov 2010
+ Added Shift-Backspace keyboard shortcut to focus the channeltree for easier screenreader usage. Adjusted spoken accessible names in the mainwindow and further improved tab focus behaviour.
+ Activate, Deactivate and Toggle PTT hotkeys have been moved to category Microphone and renamed to "Local Mic Mute" which is now more meanigful
- Fixed whisper reply hotkey which was mixed up when assigned via whisper list dialog.
- Fixed missing window title of setup wizard on Linux
- Restored previous chat line input focus behaviour if selecting clients or channels in the tree or a chat tab using the mouse. If using keyboard navigation, the chat input is not focused to avoid interfering with accessibility support.
- Fixed possible crash when permission window was automatically closed onserver shutdown but dialogs or contextmenus were still open.
- Fixed a bug where VAD cannot be used when Toggle PTT was manually added
- Fixed "Toggle Speaker Mute" und "Toggle Microphone Mute" in setup wizard
- Fixed hotkeys configured in setup wizard not being set properly
- Fixed assertion when adding Hotkey-/Capture- or Playback Profile hotkey
- Adjusted input validator of permissions tree
- Channel commander action can now be added to toolbar
- Sort ID now considered for server groups order in permissions overview.
- Fixed iconpath when IconPack entry is missing in the config file.
- Overhauled volumecontrol plugin.
- Fixed chat logging when multiple servertabs are trying to log into the same logfile.
- When forcing to start a second client with "-nosingleinstance", the second instance will log chats to avoid having multiple clients write to the same file producing invalid HTML
Release Threads im offiziellen Forum (Client | Server)