Client: beta20
Server: beta22
TeamSpeak Systems released today new beta´s for their TeamSpeak 3 server and the client. The client does auto-update itself again. The server need to be updated manually as always. Its recommended to update both as fast as possible.
View Changelogs
Server beta22:
=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta22 13 April 2010
- fixed possible crash while executing serverlist
- clientinfo shows client_icon_id in correct int format
- clientpermlist wont send cldbid to serverquery clients
also returns error_database_empty_result instead of an error_ok
if no entries were found
- fixed that an semi-permanent channel could be created inside an temporary
- via commandline parameter dbpluginparameter=skipcheck the sqlite database integrity
checks can be skipped
- fixed that filetransfer quoatas were not reset correctly
- we now respect the b_client_ban_delete_own permission
- fixed not recognizing channel permissions while using defaultchannels on client connect
Client beta20:
=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta20 - 13 Apr 2010
channel, not the old.
* The connection info does no longer scale up an avatar if its size is smaller
than 80 pixel. Avatars are only scaled down when necessary.
- Stop the server info update timer when disconnecting.
- Fixed percent encoded bookmark label from ts3server:// links.
- Enabled chat contextmenu for serverquery clients again, apparently used by
people regarding to forum.
* Updated apps.ini
* Translation updates and some minor text adjustments.
- Fixed a case where an existing chat tab wasn't reused, when the disconnected
chat partner rejoins a just subscribed channel.
- Fixed host button icon URL in Edit Virtual Server disabled when no permission
- Fixed using hotkeys when running as administrator
- Fixed vanishing of "set server/channel groups" context menu, if an entry was
added or deleted.
+ "Set server/channel group" context menu entries have been separated into
"More..." sub menus every 15 entries.
* Bluesky update for tree selection and hover
+ Don't play notification sounds when playback device is muted. Behaviour can
be configured in the Notifications Options page, default enabled.
+ Some contact manager tweaks to have a nicer look with stylesheets.
+ Added contact manager tooltips which shows the complete row.
+ Changing a server group does now look like changing a channel group. To
change multiple groups, use the dialog (the old way) at the top of the menu.
- Fixed entering channel after renaming and applying with Return or Enter key.
* Added "DEL" key to remove entries in identity manager.
* Added a default channel chat message when chat was newly created.
- Fixed a case where chattab names could end up empty.
* Inserted checks to detect bad characters in filenames for upload.
- Fixed checkbox in ban editing dialog, to use regular expressions or not.