Client beta13 | Server beta17Heute hat TeamSpeak Systems wieder weitere Updates für TeamSpeak 3 veröffentlicht. Der Client sollte sich automatisch aktualisieren sofern ihr bereits eine neuere Version habt (beta8 zum Beispiel) und für das Server Update wird wie immer empfohlen es so schnell wie möglich zu installieren. Die Changelogs und die Downloads sind weiter unten zu finden.
Wichtig für Server Administratoren mit
Seit der Server beta15 gibt es neue Anti-Flood Einstellungen. Der TSViewer sendet zum Beispiel 7 Befehle (Anzahl davon variiert) um die benötigten Server Informationen zu bekommen. Abfragen könnten geblockt werden.
LösungFüge die Server IP in die
query_ip_whitelist.txt Datei innerhalb des Server Ordners. Starte anschließend die gesamte TeamSpeak 3 Server Instanz neu oder warte 5 Minuten falls du beta16 oder höher hast (seit beta16 tut der Server die IP´s aus dieser Datei jede 5 Minuten neu einlesen). Falls du nicht die Art von Zugang hast die für diese Änderungen benötigt wird, dann kontaktier dein TeamSpeak 3 Hosting Unternehmen und lass diese Änderung von diesem vornehmen.
Linux Server Benutzer bitte zur Kenntnis nehmen
Der Server muss nun mit dem gesetzten LD_LIBRARY_PATH gestartet werden um sicherzustellen, dass die benötigten Bibliotheken gefunden werden. TeamSpeak Systems hat nun zwei Scripte bereitgestellt die dies so tun. Benutze diese um den Server zu starten:
- - Verhält sich sich genauso wie der ./ts3server_linux_{x86, amd64} Befehl es getan hat in den vorherigen Versionen
- - Das ist das Startscript, dass den Server im Hintergrund startet, du kannst die Parameter "start", "stop", "restart" und "status" an das Script weitergeben. Beachte, dass wenn der Server im Hintergrund gestartet ist, du in die Log Dateien schauen musst falls irgendwelche Probleme auftreten (weil in der Shell keine Ausgabe erfolgt). Falls du spezielle Kommandozeilen Parameter hast die du beim Start an den Server weitergeben möchtest, ist der richtige Ort um dies zu tun in der Datei, in der ersten nicht kommentierten Zeile (COMMANDLINE_PARAMETERS="")
Server Changelog beta17:
=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta17 02 Feb 2010
- fixed possible crash while deleting subchannels
- clientlist option -VOICE added CLIENT_IS_PRIORITY_SPEAKER property
- fixed issue where query could start an stopped virtualserver while
instance terminating
- fixed channel_flag_password was not set automatically while creating
a new channel over query
- fixed strange behavior while changing b_group_is_permanent permission value
- fixed licensing issue with max slots below 32
- query_ip_whitelist.txt removed out of package and is created if not available
- fixed PERMISSION_b_client_channel_textmessage_send not working properly
- fixed ghosting channel bug with certain default sub channel setups
- fixed critical after editing an perm/semi channel to an temp
- fixed unclear local accounting error messages
- fixed query bug which resulted in "invalid socketID" errors
+ added custominfo command (check docu for details)
+ added permissions PERMISSION_b_client_custom_info_view
+ added permidgetbyname command (check docu for details)
+ added b_virtualserver_permission_reset
+ added command permreset (check docu for details)
! added b_permission_modify_power_ignore permission, allows to
add/delete permissions without having the needed grant values
! added command line parameter dblogkeepdays (default 90)
defines how many days to keep database log entries
(triggered on every start and while running every day)
! added command line parameter dbclientkeepdays (default 30)
removes all clients which had not connected the x days and dont
got an servergroup assigned
(triggered on every start and while running every day)
Client Changelog beta13:
=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta13 - 02 Feb 2010
* Added automatic scroll to tree when dragging items to the top or lower margin
- Fixed context menu for a downloaded directory.
- Fixed a download bug where the actual channel folder wasn't respected.
- When adding integer permissions and grant permissions, first let the user
input the value and then send it to the server to avoid sending double data.
- Added button to options to reset all "Are you sure...?" confirmations.
- Added confirmation when setting grant permission to zero.
- Don't ask "You are still connected to..." when closing server tab if you
actually are not connected
+ Added option "Always stay on top" in application settings (Windows only).
- Fixed "Channel maxclient reached" pop up menu doesn't save answer
- Refilter permissions tree when "show granted only" is enabled and a
permission is removed.
* No longer check for "config" directory in installation directory when
deciding the configuration location
* Added server address and port to last-seen information in contacts
- "User requested talk power" sound only played if user is in own channel
- Fixed wrong TTS channelname with connected sound
+ Added customizable toolbar buttons (most icons are still too small. They will
be updated with a later release.)
* Updated German translation
- Automatically unmute users when they are removed from contacts list
* Added Edit virtualserver menuitem to Self menu
- Closing edit virtualserver dialog with Escape will also trigger the discard/
apply dialog
- Fixed possible marking the edit virtual server dialog modified after opening
- Fixed typo in hotkey setup, so "Status change - Deactivate" works again.
* Individually handle permissions to view server/channel group tabs and display
notification in the permission and client widget if they cannot be viewed.
* Initialize only those permission tabs for which permission was granted to
avoid invalid permission error spam.
- Removed -enableallactions commandline option.
- Fixed restoring server and channel groups on reconnect when keeping the
permissions window open.
- Fixed strange behaviour of toggle microphone hotkey in combination with auto-
activate microphone when switching server tabs.
* Reload chatlog when connecting to a new server in the same tab
* Tweaked autoscrolling after reloading logs
- Fixed creating hotkeys (no keys were accepted / gray box stayed always open)
* Play talk-power-requested sound only if user has permission to grant it
* Changed serverquery clear highlight button shortcut to Backspace, so Escape
key is available for closing the window again.
+ Escape always closes hotkey dialog, even if hotkey input doesn't work.
* Allow multiple whitespaces in channel description.
+ Added use of server-, channel- and client info templates. Look into
the folder styles\default for premade templates, which can be modified
for different styles and languages.
+ Added server address:port in server info.
- Fixed pasting a text into hotkey rename field.
Release Threads im offiziellem Forum (Server | Client)