|===/___/#####(((((((((((((((((|==== BLN-CLAN
Awesome job Ginger, thanks!
very nice job ginger
Sweet... I like this way better and installing it now..thank you for all your hard work for the community...you rock!!
Great Job,Ginger this will fit much better that others
OMG , nice Work Guys !!!!!!
Tx alot :D -
Wow... thats nice feedback. Iam happy to see it being used by you guys and that you like it! Okay lets answer some questions, order from top to bottom:
"but anyway to get crysis and BF2 sig ? ;)"
Yes. The BF2 sig is available with the other 38 variations at the Server Banners section. Crysis will come. Dont have finished it yet.
Nice work m8, but are the codes ! ??
At the Server Banners section.
nice stuff, Just wonder how I can put it on my php nuke site
It are normal images. Just take the image link and put it on your php nuke site everywhere you want.
Ich fand es eigentlich gut, so wie es war.
An den bisherigen verfügbaren Dingen hat sich nix verändert. Das vertikale Banner ist neu dazu gekommen. Neu im Programm.
This is really cool but is there a way to make it show the people that are currently online like the viewer?
It is showing the people which are online or were the last time online. But only the last 5. Ordered by their logintime on the server. The first person is which is the longest time logged in on the server.
I like the BF one! Are we gonna get an America's Army version?
Yes. The AA sig is available with the other 38 variations at the Server Banners section. -
I like the BF one! Are we gonna get an America's Army version?
Sehr Genial, ich bin BEGEISTERT !!!
Passender look zu GT, super arbeit!
LoG sagt DANKE!!