3% off
  • Alex1992

    27.11.2011, 00:40:27
    Ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung:

    Code: 2568
    insufficient client permissions (failed on serverinfo 8471/0x2117)
  • ginger

    10.10.2011, 13:12:35

    this error message comes usually when the wrong number is entered for TCP query port, the server is down, the IP is wrong, a firewall is blocking the TCP query port on the server. That are the most common error sources for this error message.

    If the server is rent, the IP is correct and the server is up you could ask the support of your hosting company if they can look into this issue. If you are hosting yourself make sure the is no firewall blocking the TCP query port and/or the port is forwarded correctly in the router.

    Hope that helps.
  • 247Death

    09.10.2011, 23:50:35
    i have a code 110 and it say timed out?
  • ginger

    17.09.2011, 17:23:03
    Greetings techno,

    there is no functionality at the moment to turn off the error messages, but may i suggest a quick solution. You could limit the width of the TSViewer box with the css width command so it does not bring the box out of shape. Would that would be a acceptable solution for you for the moment?

    Example (< sign at the beginning and /> sign at the end removed):
    div id="ts3viewer_948889" style="width:200px; overflow:auto;"


    Are all three servers in Australia? There is a timeout setting that is set, it says the TSViewer how long it does have to wait for an answer when trying to scan a server. Its 2 or 3 seconds at the moment, 3 seconds i think. My assumption is, it takes sometimes longer than 3 seconds to get a answer for this server.
  • techno

    13.09.2011, 03:49:29
    I turn my server off every night and while my server is off
    on my web site you see this message:

    Connection times out
    Help & Solution to this problem is located as the F.A.Q.

    I want to know how do I turn the error messages off?
    I know there will be an error, I don't need to see the message...

    this line [Help & Solution to this problem is located as the F.A.Q.]
    is to long and makes my forum custom box out of shape
    in a result; making to forum look ugly.


    Another thing I would like to know IS:::

    I have 3 TeamsSpeaks displaying on my forum 1 is mine
    the other 2 are else where but the thing is.
    the other site TeamSpeaks show directly but mine takes about
    5 to 10 seconds to display and sometimes it don't.

    why is this so?
    I have no firewall
    I have ports 10011, 3033, 9987, 51234, 54211,
    forwarded on both UDP and TCP but it is slow to display Teamspeak
    and work 70% of the time.

  • ginger

    29.08.2011, 09:36:31
    Erklärung für Fehlercode 2568 hier im FAQ beachten. Die Erklärung für die dieser Kommentar erstellt wurde, ist nur dann gültig wenn ein Server nicht erreicht werden kann.
  • mees

    19.08.2011, 11:25:23

    Code: 2568
    insufficient client permissions (failed on serverinfo 8471/0x2117)

    bekomme diese fehlermeldung und hab sie mir mal übersetzt, jedoch weis ich nicht genau welche dateien welche berechtigung brauchen oder liegt das proplem doch wo anders ?

  • ginger

    10.08.2011, 01:29:11

    der Server könnte abgeschaltet worden sein, die Ports könnten sich verändert haben, irgendein techn. Problem oder zum Beispiel auch Hardware Schaden. Ich würde in dem Fall beim Host nachfragen.
  • Niya

    09.08.2011, 23:48:26

    vor ca. 25min wurde unser TS³ disconnected. Als Errormeldung habe ich Code:110 erhalten. Nun können wir seitdem DC nicht mehr auf den Server connecten. Woran kann das liegen??? (Seit kurzem nutzen mehr Leute den Server, falls das als Info wichtig sein sollte.)

  • ginger

    09.08.2011, 03:24:34
    Jarek i dont know what you mean :(