"We got a lot of feedback that helped us to improve our product. Please continue to help us to identify bugs in order to ensure that all things behave as expected."
- TeamSpeak Systems
Complete list of changes
=== Client Release 3.0.5 15 Feb 2012
* Caps Lock now available as hotkey on Mac
* Minor bookmarks manager layout overhaul
* Adjusted Linux runscript to work better with KDE
- Fixed misbehaving "More" button in All Clients List
- Fixed possible crash when connecting to server
- Fixed chat input field when switching chat tabs and text was selected
- Disable "Show ServerQuery Clients" when adding a bookmark via a ts3server:// link with "addbookmark=<label>".
- Use nickname of default identity when connecting via ts3server://
- Hide empty global "Plugins" menu when no plugin creates a global menuitem.
- Display bookmark name in server tab, bookmark name was previously ignored.
- Fixed detecting changes in bookmarks manager with new serverquery and soundpack settings.
- Add bookmark from ts3server link as last item on first level of the tree instead of subitem of the last folder.
- Calling requestFileList in plugins no longer opens file browser window in client (note plugins should use return codes to implement this properly).
- Updater: When autostarting the client, keep the start button disabled to avoid starting the client multiple times.
- Escape "&" in bookmark labels when shown in menu
- Fixed issues banning visible client when ban power was set by channel group.
- Fixed anti-flood message printed in wrong tab
- Fixed chat tab notification markers when switching between multiple servers.
- Newsticker performance improvements.
- Fixed possible crash when clicking toolbar buttons while switching servers.
- When clicking ts3server links with addbookmark=<label>, request adding new bookmark if the specified label does not yet exist.
The italic written changes are newly added since the release of the 3.0.5 beta client.
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to version 3.0.5. For download please visit TeamSpeak.com, or simply use the auto-update feature through your existing TeamSpeak client.